21 Interesting Mount Rushmore Facts for Kids


21 Interesting Mount Rushmore Facts for Kids

Mount Rushmore is a popular tourist destination in South Dakota and is also home to some interesting facts for kids. Did you know that the sculpture w

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Mount Rushmore is a popular tourist destination in South Dakota and is also home to some interesting facts for kids. Did you know that the sculpture was initially meant to be much larger? However, Congress didn’t approve the funding for the project, so the government scaled it back.

Another of the best Mount Rushmore facts for kids is that the sculptor Gutzon Borglum had a personal connection to each of the president’s faces that are on Mount Rushmore.

He was friends with Teddy Roosevelt and even helped him win the 1912 presidential election.

Finally, Mount Rushmore wasn’t always called Mount Rushmore, and it was originally named “Rushmore Mountain” after Charles E. Rushmore, a businessman who helped fund the project.

Who Carved Mount Rushmore?

Gutzon Borglum and his son Lincoln did the carvings. They started working on it in 1927 and finished it in 1941.

It was a really big project – they had to blast away millions of pounds of rock to make a secret room for the famous sculptures!

Gutzon Borglum

Why Did They Carve Mount Rushmore?

President George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln are all important figures in American history.

Gutzon Borglum wanted to create a memorial that would honor them and remind people of their accomplishments.

21 Mind-Blowing Facts about Mount Rushmore for Kids

When people think of Mount Rushmore, they often think of the four American presidents carved into the mountain.

Most people don’t know there’s much more to Mount Rushmore than just those four presidents. Here are some mind-blowing facts about Mount Rushmore for kids!

Destination for Rock Climbers

One of the most exciting mount Rushmore facts for kids is that it is not only a popular tourist destination but also a popular spot for rock climbers.

It’s the most popular granite of mount Rushmore cliff in the United States for this activity.

The monument is also home to one of the world’s most impressive collections of fossils.

A Carved Sculpture

One of the most interesting Mount Rushmore facts for kids is that it is a sculpture carved into the granite face of Mount Rushmore near the black hills of Keystone, South Dakota, in the United States.

It features the 60-foot (18 m) heads of four states Presidents: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln.

The Creation Era

Mount Rushmore National Monument is a sculpture carved into the granite face of Mount Rushmore near the black hills of keystone, South Dakota, in the United States.

The idea Came from Historian Doane Robinson.

One of the most popular mount Rushmore facts for kids is that the idea for Mount Rushmore came from historian Doane Robinson.

He wanted to create a monument that would attract tourists to the Black Hills region of South Dakota.

Gutzon Borglum wanted to create the sculpture because of his experience creating famous large-scale sculptures like Stone Mountain in Georgia.

Construction Process was Difficult

One of the most popular Mount Rushmore facts for kids is that the process of carving the Mount Rushmore National Monument was very difficult.

The granite rock was hard to carve, and the weather was harsh. To carve the sculpture, the workers used explosives to break the tons of rock into smaller pieces.

Construction Process was Difficult

They then used jackhammers and chisels to shape the rocks.

The Carving Halted Due to Gutzon Borglum.

Mount Rushmore is a popular tourist destination and is well-known for the carvings of four United States presidents on the mountain’s face. The carving started on October 4, 1927, and ended in 1941.

The original plan was that Gutzon Borglum would carve two presidents on each side of the mountain, but he only completed the carvings of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson before his death in 1941.

Another of the best Mount Rushmore facts for kids is that the carvings were completed by his son Lincoln Borglum.

A National Monument

One of the most interesting Mount Rushmore facts for kids is that the government declared it a national monument in 1925.

The sculpture is present in the granite face of Mount Rushmore, and it features the faces of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln.

Locals Regarded it as a Waste of Money.

Mount Rushmore is a sculpture carved into the granite face of Mount Rushmore in the black hills of keystone, South Dakota.

One of the most exciting Mount Rushmore facts for kids is that the sculpture has been controversial since 1927.

Some people thought it was a waste of money; others said the presidents’ heads were too small. Construction on the sculpture started in October 1927 and ended in October 1941.

Change of Plan Due to Difficulties

One of the most interesting Mount Rushmore facts for kids is that it was not originally supposed to be a sculpture of presidents’ faces.

George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln originally planned to carve into the mountain’s granite walls.

Still, the Mount Rushmore project got disapproval because it was too difficult.

Use of Explosions

Mount Rushmore National Monument is not a replica of any existing mountain. Explosions hollowed out the sculpture’s faces using dynamite.

It is interesting to note that the monument’s creation was not without its share of controversy; some people felt that the use of dynamite was too destructive.

The Government owns the Monument.

One of the most interesting Mount Rushmore facts for kids is that the United States government owns the mountain and its surrounding land. I bet you didn’t!

The U.S. Forest Service now owns the land. The land has been worked under the federal government since 1885 by the Sioux Nation.

National Park Service Do the Maintenance

While the sculpture’s location was a matter of controversy, it was unclear who would pay for its maintenance in the future.

Roosevelt’s administration decided not to provide funds for the giant monument, so the government placed it in the care of the National Park Service.

Open to Visitors

One of the most interesting Mount Rushmore facts for kids is that millions of people visit here each year.

Visitors can purchase tickets from the visitor center that allow access to both the outside and inside of the monument.

Open to Visitors Mount Rushmore

The memorial is on the side of a mountain and features the faces of four United States presidents. It took 14 years of work to carve the famous sculptures.

60 Feet High Faces

One of the most exciting Mount Rushmore facts for kids is that the faces of presidents are each about 60 feet high. It’s true! Mothe Borglum and his son Lincoln created the massive sculpture, and they started working on it in 1927 and finished it in 1941.

The faces of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln are all 60 feet tall.

To create them, the workers had to drill into the tons of granite and then use chisels and hammers to carve out the details.

It Took 400 Workers 14 Years to Carve Mount Rushmore!

One of the most interesting Mount Rushmore facts for kids is that it took 400 workers 14 years to carve Mount Rushmore. That’s a long time to spend on a project, but the result is worth it!

The carving of Mount Rushmore began in 1927 and ended in 1941. It was originally supposed to take just two years, but due to delays caused by weather and lack of funds, it took much longer.

The workers who carved mt. Rushmore were all experienced stone carvers who had worked on other projects around the country.

Gutzon Borglum was an Expert!

Gutzon Borglum, a danish-American sculptor who had previously created busts of several U.S. presidents, decided to design and carve the huge sculpture. The carving of the sculpture started in 1927 and finished in 1941.

Almost 3 Million People Visit Annually

When most people think of Mount Rushmore, they think of the four presidents carved into the mountain. What they might not know is that almost three million people visit annually!

It’s a popular tourist attraction for those visiting the Black Hills of South Dakota. Kids will love learning about how Gutzon created this iconic landmark and who the presidents are.

George Washington

One of the most exciting Mount Rushmore facts for kids is that Borglum chose George Washington to carve Mount Rushmore because of his role in the American Revolution.

He was also the first president, and Washington was a great choice for the entire project because he symbolized democracy and freedom.

Thomas Jefferson

One of the most popular Mount Rushmore facts for kids is that Thomas Jefferson was worthy of carving because he was the third president of the United States and a very talented sculptor. He also had a lot of experience with architecture.

Abraham Lincoln

When Gutzon Borglum was choosing who would carve the Mount Rushmore National Memorial, he had many great American presidents to choose from.

One of the most mind-blowing mount Rushmore facts for kids is that Gutzon chose Lincoln for two reasons.

The first reason is that he was the president during the Civil War.

The second reason is that Lincoln was the president who signed the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed all of the enslaved people in America.

Theodore Roosevelt

One of the most mind-blowing Rushmore facts for kids is that Theodore Roosevelt was worthy of carving because of his impressive work as a naturalist and conservationist.


In conclusion, Mount Rushmore is an interesting place to visit for kids. Not only can they learn about years of American history, but they can also see the incredible work that went into creating this landmark.

I hope this article has inspired you to visit Mt Rushmore with your family and learn more about the country’s history.